About myself

My name is Aulid Zhang and I am 22 years old. I am a 2nd year student in DUT Métier du Multimédia et de l'Internet (MMI) in the IUT de Bobigny.
I did for 2 years a BTS in Système Numérique Informatique et Réseau (SNIR).
Serious, motivated and dynamic, I am currently searching for a internship related to my studies.

My skills

Across the time, I have acquired several skills in programming and networking. Here is a list of what I can do.

Soft Skills

Serious, dynamic et motivated, I am involved in my work in order to produce satisfying results.
I am also very curious, I often do research on subjects I am involved to in order to understand better, to extend my knowledge and be versatile in most areas.

Hard Skills

Since my formation in high school, in BTS and DUT, I participated and followed object programming courses such as Java and C++, networking courses like Cisco et and Web programming courses like JavaScript, CSS, HTML5 and PHP.
For programming languages, I have acquired enough knowledge to understand how a website works and to create a functionnal website.
For linguistic languages, I have mastered 4 languages which are french, english, chinese and japanese.

My projects

Here is a list of projects I have participated until now.


In order to respect the framework of DUT MMI, 6 groups of students must carry out tutored projects related to the domain of Multimédia et de l'Internet.
I am part of the agency Cri8 who is in charge of Unidice, a website for publishing and sharing role-plaing games. I am one of the 4 programmers of the agency.